- Priority: 0
- Status: Waiting on customer
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 24.10.24, 19:39
- Opened by: Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S
Ticket #25818 - AMP configuration blocking access to pages created with Creative Elements
Hello. The issue I am currently facing is that the Promokit AMP module, which we have activated for the mobile version of the website, causes a conflict when I try to open a page created with Creative Elements from a phone, and I am unable to access any of them. This is the page we would like to make accessible on mobile: https://bybeauty.com/content/category/5-kiehls. I look forward to your response. Thank you.
Hi, Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S.
Yes, that's the main aim of AMP module. You can disable it with no problem
The problem is that we have our main menu in the AMP from Promokit, and if I deactivate it, I’m left without the main menu on mobile. Is there any way to have both available? Being able to view the Creative Elements pages from mobile while keeping the AMP menu active?
Why can't you use the menu without AMP, I'm not fully understand that.
Please update credentials in your profile https://support.promokit.eu/myprofile to access to your Back-office
"I've already updated the login details for the back office to access the store. However, I'm unable to change the main domain. The domain we're using for our production store is this: https://bybeauty.com. About your question, the problem is that my mobile home menu is in AMP Promokit, so if I deactivate it, I lose the menu I developed in AMP."
The menu used in AMP is just a native "Main Menu" prestashop module which you can display in any place of your template. You the "Module" hook for that
I disabled the AMP module to be able to set up my home menu in the Creative Elements Mobile template, but when I try to edit the template, it just keeps loading and won’t allow me to make changes. It seems like this could be an issue with the module.
Please update credentials in your profile https://support.promokit.eu/myprofile to access to your Back-office to let me see this issue
Hi, i updated the credentials
Ok, I see.
Try to select a shop, then edit button is working fine https://mega.nz/file/pJYClCjR#RXQwXhGDQAQonlBzzUciTSmhlxrY63Lu1oc-Dj0ntZU
I have checked it again, but the issue is specifically on the Home Page. I have already selected the main store, and the problem persists.
When I click there I see that there is no access to that page https://mega.nz/file/BBoG1AhT#auantSylQnLKEq4SNL0-JpnZviWnEg1BEpf20ijLWiQ so I believe you have removed some permissions in your users settings. Please check that
Our store is restricted for the rest of the countries. Could you send me the country so I can add it to the list of accessible countries?
All set, I've updated the access.
ok, and as I can see the editor module works fine for Mobile template https://mega.nz/file/ZEpXDJKY#CdB9GY0z6ofAFzlnB7bFvsllENNrmXl2Ka7sAk_cbWQ
The issue is in the Home page Mobile exclusively, not in the Mobile Header Section
It also works for me https://mega.nz/file/EYgCyQIS#8XgnZ7LcNk04NRhBy2ali8Ua2ORY6ietIUJNZDWvJf4