- Priority: 0
- Status: Waiting on customer
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 06.11.24, 12:16
- Opened by: Lukasz Pawlina
Ticket #25834 - adding comments doesn't work
1) There is an error after submit new product comment: “success”:true,”product_comment”:{”id_product”:92,”id_product_comment”:3,”title”:”dsada”,”content”:”dzfdsf”,”customer_name”:false,”date_add”:”2024-11-06T11:13:27+00:00”,”grade”:5,”usefulness”:3,”total_usefulness”:5}}
2) Where to translate these fields from attachment?
Best Regards
Hi, Lukasz.
We never had such issue before. I have checked that on pour demo and everything is working fine. Did you modify some URL settings, or something else in your prestashop configuration?
just installed Pretty URLs module v 3.0.1 FMM Modules
Have you tried to disable it just for a test? We need to know where the issue is coming from