- Priority: 0
- Status: Waiting on customer
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 09.11.24, 02:00
- Opened by: Thomas Ullrich
Ticket #25838 - AMP category list view does not keep list position when returning from product detail
Hi Fred,
I guess this problem is costing us a lot of money as custgomers wimly stop shopping with us (on Smartphone). And as I work with Alysum for years, I have no clue whether this is a Prestashop or a Theme related issue - as usually prestashop works with pages when if comes to category listing. The problem is therefore somehow related to infinity lisiting.
The issue: we have many items within a category. Depending on the category there can be 500 articles within one category. And if you scroll through and you, let’s say, want to take a closer look at the item in position 129, you open the product detail view, of course. The problem: if you go back you end up in position 1 of the category list, right at the top and you have to scroll all the way back down, while all the pictures are gone and start loading again. It is absolutely annoying, that going back does not mean to jump into the same position where you opened the product detail view.
In desktop, it is a bit different. You do not jump back to the beginning, you jump back in to a position about 20-30 places above of the arcticle you have opened. This is confusing as well, but it is less annoying as you can easily find your positon on the big screen. And: you have another option in desktop, you have the quick preview where the product detail is loading in a popup window, This is smart, of course, as if you close the window you’re still at the same position in the category list.
In smartphones, we customers that simply stop shopping with us. We have to solve this problem urgently. Can we add the quick ‘pop up’ view in AMP? Is there a way to ‘freeze’ the position of category list when opening the product detail? If both is no, will this be improved in the forthcoming AMP version?
Thank you for your help
Sorry for the long explanation. Wanted to make sure you understand our problem.
Hi, Thomas Ullrich.
Yes, I see the problem.
A couple of words to describe you how it works. When you open category page it shows you the "page #1" of the listing. When you scroll it down the page makes a requests to prestashop to get the next page and concatenate it to the previous result, and so on. Now when you click on a product and then back to the category page it shows you the first page and that's an error. As I can see, I can try to make the category page show the last loaded page. I suppose it's not necessary to load previous page, and honestly I don't even see a way ho to do that.
What do you think on that?
And one more thing I need to say, it's possible only on the new module version, the old one works in it's own custom way with product listing controller and there is no way to apply a fix.
The only feature I need to implement in the new version is to update the url when amp is loading the next page.
I spent almost whole day today on that and have some news. Unfortunately, AMP doesn't provide a way to change the url on some events, which is necessary to get back to the right page. But I have applied a "workaround" which is a simple pagination. The only drawback is that requires page reloading.
It's already implemented and looks like this: https://mega.nz/file/gY4gCKpY#e68UhJPqxh-xhrQFPfdJ7u94LQDAqXzpeGzACnSS52o
Wow, sorry to hear that you lost so much time for my request. But I can imagine many shops will need this.
This means we cannot use inifinite scroll and come back to the position? That's a big drawback for me. Pagination is so 90s. What about the 'quick order' button with a lightbox (e.g. https://amp.dev/documentation/examples/components/amp-lightbox/)?
No problem with time, I have added a new option to AMP module.
That's more complex task. I can only add it to my TODO for now