- Priority: 0
- Status: Waiting on customer
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 19.11.24, 14:37
- Opened by: Jairo de la Fuente
Ticket #25848 - Client comments doesn't work
When adding a comment the following appears:
What is the comments module to see what options it has?
As I can see that's a new module version 7.0. We need some time to investigate the issue
What is the module name to see what options it has?
product comments
Hi, Jairo de la Fuente.
The issue has been fixed. Please test to confirm the change
Updated files are here:
Before, 5 stars were marked by default in the ratings, now if you forget to rate it doesn't let you publish, in the PC version it notifies you with a message, but in the mobile version no message appears, the review is simply not sent and It is not known what happens. Can you leave the 5 stars marked by default? This makes it easier to publish and there are fewer error messages.
Hi, Jairo de la Fuente.
I can't find a way to change default value to 5.