- Priority: 0
- Status: Waiting on customer
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 19.11.24, 16:49
- Opened by: Jairo de la Fuente
Ticket #25852 - Images do not slide correctly
From mobile, on the product page the images do not slide correctly with your finger when sliding the large image left or right.
Hi, Jairo de la Fuente.
If you means this vertical carousel https://mega.nz/file/5cwRFS5Q#EalfQjEJ5khMCeWC03gunBRp3TvCHSyS4OSoo800hfI there is just nothing to scroll, no more images. We can hide arrows for such case if you want
No, I mean the large image, when you slide your finger on it it only goes to the next image, not the rest, to access the rest you have to click on the vertical carousel.
Yes, because there is no such option
If you hide the thumbnails it will let you swipe correctly
How can I hide the arrows if there are no more than 4 photos?
Need to update product page script.
Open the file
find the line
and replace it with
Can you tell me where the file is with the swipe code in the mobile version?
It should be