• Priority: 0
  • Status: Waiting on customer
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 20.11.24, 15:53
  • Opened by: Cédric Limousin

Ticket #25853 - Reference with product variants

Hello !

I am currently using your theme on my PrestaShop 8.1.5 store and I am encountering an issue with displaying the product variant references. Specifically, when selecting a variant on the product page (e.g., changing size, color, etc.), the reference associated with the selected variant does not update as expected. Instead, it keeps showing the reference of the main product.

I have already reviewed the relevant templates, such as product.tpl and product-variants.tpl, and tried to implement the necessary changes, but the reference still does not update dynamically upon selecting different variants.

Could you please assist me in resolving this issue? I would appreciate any guidance or code adjustments that could help ensure the correct variant reference is displayed when the customer selects a different variant. You can check with this product for instance : https://kidea.enjin.fr/pouf-galette-et-coussin-enfant-maternelle/999-6883-assise-ronde

Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards


Fred 20 Nov 2024, 23:20

Hi, Cédric Limousin.
I see you have a lot of customizations on product page. It's hard for me to figure out what's wrong. in the latest theme version there is no such issue

Cédric Limousin 21 Nov 2024, 12:05

Hello Fred,

Got it. What I can do is provide you access to a staging site with the same theme, PrestaShop version, and the same issue. This version has fewer customizations, and since it's a copy, you can test by renaming product.tpl to see the effect. You can see the issue on this product : https://boissinot.enjin-dev.fr/bottes-chambord-pro-ambre (I send you a screenshot). I temporarily updated the shop and BO URLs, as well as the FTP credentials, to grant you access.

Please let me know how it goes.

Best regards


Fred 23 Nov 2024, 17:52

Fo some reason your page is not working for me https://mega.nz/file/JBR3DaDA#1idCTlqY6Iq9RWdBq4XeK0l0SCNyaRicDbfGpwSnfqM could you please check that?

Cédric Limousin 25 Nov 2024, 15:56

Hello Fred, I asked our developer to intervene. He said you can try again now and to tell us if it's any better.
Thank you !

Fred 25 Nov 2024, 22:19

Ok, I see

Cédric Limousin 29 Nov 2024, 09:24

Hello Fred,

Did you have some time to check what's going on there ?

Best regards

Fred 02 Dec 2024, 23:10

Sorry for the delay.
For some reason the reference is not updated when I change the color, and I can't figure out why

Cédric Limousin 04 Dec 2024, 15:28


Thank you for your response. I really need your support on this issue as the client has noticed these problems, and I’m unsure how to resolve them. Could this be related to a JavaScript issue, perhaps not "refreshing" correctly? It might also tie into another issue I’ve observed: on this page (https://kidea.enjin.fr/pouf-galette-et-coussin-enfant-maternelle/999-6883-assise-ronde), selecting a color causes the thumbnails slider on the left to stop working, and the reference doesn’t update either.

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Fred 16 Dec 2024, 21:17

Sorry for the delay.
We have tried to reproduce it locally but everything works fine locally.
The only way left to debug is to switch to classic theme to see ho it works there. But I'm not sure is it acceptable for you because it seems your store is in production

Cédric Limousin 24 Dec 2024, 16:59

Hello Fred,

No it's not acceptable on our end, I can't switch themes at that stage. But what I can tell is that on a different website running the classic theme, there's no such issue with product variants so it must be something on your theme, I don't see any other reason… Could you have a look on the other problem also, with the thumbnails slider ?

Best regards

Fred 27 Dec 2024, 00:32

Yes, we know there is no such issue with Classic theme, and as I already mentioned, there is also no such problem neither on our demo nor on the locally installed version. I asked you to switch the them because I assume the problem caused by your customizations

Cédric Limousin 10 Jan 2025, 12:54

Hello Fred,

I created a copy of the website to make things easier. I switched to classic theme and there's no issue because the two problems are not displayed (the slider of thumbnails is on the bottom and there's no reference for product displayed).
So to continue testing, I switched to your theme and not my child theme, to see how things work there. And the result is that the reference doesn't update when I click on a color or a variation, so the bug is still there.
The thumbnails slider does work in your theme and not in my child theme though, which is odd.

Can you help please ? I updated the credentials to give you access to the test website. Here's where you can see a product with the issue : https://kidea.enjin-dev.fr/produit/999-3358-assise-ronde#/1-couleur-rouge You can try switching themes if you want on this website (https://kidea.enjin-dev.fr). I updated BO access and FTP access.

Please keep me updated, these are the last two blocking issues we have and we're waiting on a resolution to launch the website… Thank you in advance

Best regards

Fred 16 Jan 2025, 22:41

Hi, Cédric.
Sorry for the delay. We will try to check everything and back to you with a solution