• Priority: 0
  • Status: Waiting on customer
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 20.11.24, 16:01
  • Opened by: Cédric Limousin

Ticket #25854 - Issue with jQuery UI Slider Error

Hello !

I am using your theme for a website on PrestaShop 8.1.5, and I am experiencing an issue with the “Advance Search Pro” module. The module is not functioning correctly, and I am encountering a JavaScript error: “Uncaught TypeError: sliderItem.slider is not a function”. As a result, the filters are not working (nothing happens when I click), and the price slider is also no longer visible.

You can observe the issue when logged in by visiting this link:

What is strange is that when I reactivate the “Faceted Navigation” module in PrestaShop, the filter module starts working again, which suggests that some dependencies or libraries are not being loaded correctly.

I reached out to the developer of the “Advance Search Pro” module, and they pointed out the following:
““This error indicates that the native jQuery UI slider plugin is not included in the page, although it should be.
Upon inspecting the page code, I can see that jQuery UI is being loaded via your theme instead of the native PrestaShop files (”/themes/alysum/js/jquery/ui/jquery-ui.min.js” instead of “/js/jquery/ui/jquery-ui.min.js”), which may explain the issue with the slider.””

They recommend that I reach out to the theme developer to address this, either by integrating the slider plugin into the modified jQuery UI from the theme or by restoring the native PrestaShop jQuery UI file.

Interestingly, I tested the same module on another site with your Alysum theme, and the issue does not occur there (https://www.boissinot-elevage.fr/nos-produits). The developer pointed out that the difference is the jQuery UI file:
The issue is absent on the other site because the jQuery UI file being used is the one from PrestaShop and not from the theme (see attached screenshots for comparison).

Could you please investigate this and help resolve the issue?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards



Fred 20 Nov 2024, 22:54

Hi, Cédric Limousin.
Yes, that's tru that wi have disabled all UI plugins because most of then simple do nothing. We can consider to return ui.slider back, but for now the fastest way to fix that is just rename/remove the folder "ui" in the "themes/alysum/js/jquery/"

Cédric Limousin 21 Nov 2024, 11:42

Hello Fred,

Thank you it did fix the problem, that's perfect.

Best regards

Fred 21 Nov 2024, 21:49

You are welcome!