• Priority: 0
  • Status: Waiting on customer
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 19.12.24, 15:52
  • Opened by: francois andrieu

Ticket #25892 - problem now the version mobile amp don't work

problem mobile
impossible to load the web page on each category

why? suddenly


francois andrieu 19 Dec 2024, 16:58

hello , it is urgent , and i don't understand why the categories on mobile do that

francois andrieu 19 Dec 2024, 17:22

it seems that the amp has no the good link for categories
the link must be without /category/ i think but i don't know where it is to update the gogd links for the categories

francois andrieu 19 Dec 2024, 17:54

i have found it seems that your mobile version is not compatible with the last module of faceted search
i have put the version before this 4.0 and it works now , why ?

Fred 19 Dec 2024, 19:21

It’s seems related to the faceted module last update. Need to make some tests to say what’s exactly happened

francois andrieu 19 Dec 2024, 20:11

yes , after his update , the categories don't work and you can't access to the categories, it seems due to links categories false, /category/ generated and don't take the good links of categories

francois andrieu 28 Dec 2024, 20:28

please let me know , when the last update of the faceted module will be good with our mobile version amp
or what to do

Fred 29 Dec 2024, 23:19

We spent a considerable amount of time today on that, but unfortunately, we were unable to achieve any results.
We will continue to try further.
I apologize for the delay.

francois andrieu 01 Jan 2025, 11:28

hello actually we have access to the categories but not to the products when we choose a category
the products don't display always on mobile amp version

francois andrieu 01 Jan 2025, 11:30

but if we try to access a product with an url the product is displayed
but by categories not possible
try to find this problem please

francois andrieu 01 Jan 2025, 11:32

the problem is just in amp before it was good

francois andrieu 01 Jan 2025, 11:35

when i want to select a filter then apply the system display "waiting"

francois andrieu 01 Jan 2025, 15:46

it seems that you have put agin the last version of the faceted search, the categories are displayed but the products in each category no , the problem must be in the widget associated categories ith the products, hope that you solve soon , thanks a lot and happy new year

Fred 01 Jan 2025, 21:20

I see where the problem is.
The fastest way for now is to restore previous Faceted Search module version, because we still cannot find a solution to make AMP work with the latest Faceted module version

francois andrieu 02 Jan 2025, 23:55

hello problem , we have tried to restore the previous faceted search but it seems that you have modify code, and after this restore the faceted search don't work also on desktop
we are obliged to stay in this new version now , please try to solve the amp problem
we are waiting that you solve this amp problem please as soon that you can, we can't stay without mobile version

francois andrieu 03 Jan 2025, 23:40

Hello Fred how to re-install the 3.16.1 version of faceted search without loose all the work done on it it seems that the system don't work when i try to reinstall 3.16.1 now , this was the only version that works with amp , or can you do solve the problem of version 4.0 and when please

francois andrieu 04 Jan 2025, 11:52

When I try to put the 3.16.1 version I loose all the models of attributes and so on… Now I have put again the version 4 that you have put . How to do to have the last version with the models ?
Thanks to do if you know how to do

francois andrieu 04 Jan 2025, 11:56

Actually the amp version don t work and we have no mobile version big problem on desttop it is good with version 4

francois andrieu 04 Jan 2025, 13:29

No answer ?

Fred 04 Jan 2025, 14:36

1. But how is the Faceted Search module update related to the theme? That’s a native Pretashop module, not ours.
2. We are not able to predict errors which are caused by module updates. The problem we have now is not simple, and we need some time to resolve it.

francois andrieu 04 Jan 2025, 15:29

ok , before i have downgraded this faceted search and it was working , after you have put again the version 4 to solve the problem, now i have the categories but not the products. and i have try to downgrade again and it is not working because you have made some updates , i am now obliged to stay like this without mobile running well. ok i wait that you solve the problem but understand that i must have this mobile soon, thanks to do your best to correct this problem. i have no mobile since many days.i hope that you solve this quickly, i understand that it is not simple. hope that you solve this in a week or less please. or put again the last version of this faceted search, actually i can't downgrade. the version 3.16.1 don't work now like this one before it was good. i must be patient but understand that people of my company and customers want this mobile version working good.

Fred 07 Jan 2025, 22:11

But we didn't apply any fixes there. We don't have a solution to apply it, so that's not our fault for sure.
We keep working to find a fix

francois andrieu 08 Jan 2025, 00:09

But now i can't install the last version of faceted search how i can find a solution , i am condamned to have no mobile ? i have try to reinstall but with your updates now i can't have a solution, i hope that you finish to have a solution , remember that you have try to put this version again and now i am blocked.
if you have not solution , can i have the website like before your updates please.
before with this version there was no display of categories on mobile now there is , of course you have made updates
it is terrible, first when i have seen that it don't work i have put again the old version and the website was good in dektop and in mobile
after you have put again this new version and categories now are displayed but not the products. and if i put the old version now nothing work good even in desktop.
i can't restore because we have orders and son on, and i don't what is updated. sincerely i am not happy and you say hat you have done nothing !
why categories are displayed now , and why i am in the new version of faceted search ?

Fred 08 Jan 2025, 23:48

"i have try to reinstall but with your updates now i can't have a solution" – But there is no any our update.
I agree that's terrible, but that's not our fault.
"i am not happy and you say hat you have done nothing" - But what are we supposed to do if there’s no solution yet?

francois andrieu 09 Jan 2025, 20:13

which updates ? we have just done the update of the last module of faceted search of prestashop, now we try to come back to the old version of this module, but for that i think that this module must be in the administration of prestashop in the part design and navigation, not in your theme part , is it possible for you to place the faceted search in this part of design and navigation please to test it it and see that it is good on the website after in desktop version, after i try to put the version that works of the faceted search with mobile version

Fred 24 Jan 2025, 16:22

I suppose this ticket is duplicating this one 25902