- Priority: 0
- Status: Waiting on customer
- Theme: Alysum
Assigned To:
- Private: No
- Open Date: 30.12.24, 18:53
- Opened by: Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S
Ticket #25896 - Redirecting the menu to the main category
Hi, we would like to know how we can redirect the title of each category in the menu to the specific category. While keeping the dropdown menu for the category when hovering over it.
Hi, Distribeaute Colombia S.A.S.
Just use Navigation widget, there you will be able to assign any link and any dropdown template https://mega.nz/file/kdBxQaAS#lY5C5kOSaYG_wGgeQosjwJXMp1agpImES5GPB7TJGJk
Hi, I've checked the module but i don't see the same options you show on the image
Because that's Menu widget, and you need Navigation widget
Hi, i cant find the widget related with the Navigation on Creative Elements
here is it https://mega.nz/file/xR53kJ7R#1hdx5X-NSv_nGZ2xrdYgxErTnE9Og2hxqBo8CCelSOc
The navigation menu seems to be the same as the one I mentioned earlier in my first comment. After reviewing it again, I couldn’t find the option available. Could you please confirm if it’s located elsewhere or guide me on how to access it.
Please fill out all necessary fields in your profile https://support.promokit.eu/myprofile to access to your FTP Server to let me check widget files
Hi, i updated the access
Not able to connect https://mega.nz/file/5Uw10YoB#ae8-mTV4yh8_9ITgqRZT0-P8jZvqtrcggfQwgemHJuI
Hi, i updated it again
I just uploaded new widget there https://mega.nz/file/oJoFQZYT#BgB02sEy3ejd4StEzhgRjwo-f8kYQHUTzyR5MoJmEns please check
Hi, I have reviewed the widget, and it is indeed there. However, we now have a problem as the Creative Elements page in Prestashop keeps loading continuously and does not allow us to make any changes. We have left the Prestashop access credentials in the profile. Thank you.
Where I have to navigate to see the issue?
Whenever I attempt to edit any template, I consistently encounter an error message similar to this: https://mega.nz/file/IBxkUSDZ#-KKGGq93p61Qf2yM7ePm-t3TJIqNm-CSVyNnwyk5R1k: https://mega.nz/file/IBxkUSDZ#-KKGGq93p61Qf2yM7ePm-t3TJIqNm-CSVyNnwyk5R1k
It happens on all the pages that use Creative Elements. When I log in with the support user, which you have access to, the same thing happens as shown in the first screenshot. It lets me log in but remains in a loading state.
I see only that the page I want to edit is forbidden Bybeauty2024 https://mega.nz/file/FBISmZSA#jU-ud0co-mipAJY9Hv8_e6_Y6wUBCWi9-8_UsDOn7o0
In that case, could you investigate why this error occurred? The Creative Elements module was working correctly before the change to add the new widget. We urgently need to make changes. Thank you for your help.
I initially thought I lacked sufficient permissions. Didn’t you configure that on your end?
If it works for you but not for me, it implies that there’s a configuration setting that enables it for you but not for me.
Hi, I have reviewed the user permissions again, and you have all permissions enabled since the profile is set as a super administrator. Additionally, i've recreated the profile with the same access rights. Could you please check again?
1. Please confirm the right domain is bybeauty.com, not prueba.bybeauty.com. Because you have both in your profile
2. It still the same. But does it work for you when you try to edit a template?
I'm trying to figure out what's going on
1. Yes, bybeauty.com is the correct domain.
2. I reviewed it again, and I believe the error was due to the user being in debug mode. Could you try accessing it again without debug mode?
Strange, but I always see your site like this https://mega.nz/file/ANwBTboI#0niwmtFBBklH4QteomYf27D0UYU7Yb3iPuQFh4_M4yg
If you want I can just remove that widget for a while
Hi, I believe the page is now visible in your country; I’ve configured that. For now, we are reviewing it separately, but if we can’t resolve it,i will contact you
Yes, it works now.
As I can see the error caused by your custom JS code https://mega.nz/file/ZZxk1bYD#ajh5xh4VJkLLjIsNH8Qj2zVGOLzX7RuYQFAJfX0exrs
You should not add html tags there, only plain js code
Hi, I've made the modifications to the JS code you mentioned. Also, we checked again and there seems to be a line of code in the Pknavwidget that generates the error I showed on the first captures. I'll send you the image.
Ok, I understand the error.
Is your cpanel url changed? this one doesn't work anymore
No, it's the same URL, can you show me what message appears?
Ok, it seems the menu works fine now, please try
Hi, the module is indeed working now. However, we have a single issue with it: when displaying the dropdown section, it appears bugged and doesn’t display completely. I’ll send you images of how it appears and how it should appear.
Strange, there is no such error on our local setup. Need some time on that
Ok, i'll be waiting for your answer.
Hi, do you have any update of the issue?
Sorry, but no