• Priority: 0
  • Status: Waiting on customer
  • Theme: Alysum
  • Assigned To: Fred
  • Private: No
  • Open Date: 08.01.25, 01:20
  • Opened by: francois andrieu

Ticket #25902 - always the problem of faceted search

this night o have think to something, the faceted search module has changed of place , you have put it in with the modules of the theme.

it is not actually with the classic prestashop , and when i want to reinstall the older version after the module don’t find our models in the faceted search.

because the models and the new version are in an another place. i think if you put again this new version at the good place , i can reinstall the older version of faceted search , because actually if i do this operation the models have disappeared and i can’t have nothing, i have many models

the problem is now that the older version can’t find the models ; and this older version work with amp mobile and the desktop version.

can you move the module and the associated models files at the good place for prestashop, please.


francois andrieu 08 Jan 2025, 09:43

Normally to put the module in older version, i must delete the new version of the module without supress the files and after install the old version , but when i install the old version after the module is in the section of prestashop modules and the models can't be found because the files models are in the section of the theme
how can i downgrade ?

francois andrieu 08 Jan 2025, 09:53

exactly i must first desinstall the module and after install again the old module but if i do that the models of filters are not in after

Fred 08 Jan 2025, 23:23

Hi, francois andrieu.
1. The question of update/downgrade Prestashop module is not covered by our support. The fated way to get assistance is to contact prestashop community in Slack.
2. What do you mean by "move the module"? Can you show me on a screenshot where do you want to move it?

francois andrieu 09 Jan 2025, 00:05

you have the connection on our website , and you can see that now the module faceted is in your theme modules
before it was in the section of prestashop, it seems that you have moved this when you have try to have the categories in the module new version, yes now you have the categories but not the product
before this module was in general sections of prestashop and when i have seen that the module don't work , i have downgrade the module to old version and all was good after you have put again the update of this module and put it in your section of theme, and now if i try to reinstall it with the old version i can't have the models of the filters
can you put again this new version in the normal prestashop section with the filters, after i will try to have again the old version of faceted search , do you understand please ?

francois andrieu 09 Jan 2025, 00:12

why now my models filters can't be found ? this is the problem
i think because perhaps the module is not now at the good place , normally to reinstall an older version
i must desinstall the module, then install the older version that i have, and after it must find the the models filters normally, but actually no because i think , the models filters are not at the good place after installation

Fred 09 Jan 2025, 00:15

Faceted Module is not a part of the theme. We can't give you an answer why something happened. It requires debugging to figure out what's wrong.

francois andrieu 09 Jan 2025, 01:10

just a thing
normally faceted search module in the administration of prestashop in the part design and navigation

and now in the administration faceted search module is in the part theme modules
before it was not like this
can you place the module in the normal place with model filters files associated

normally in prestashop this module is in the part of design and navigation

we have not made this ! can you replace it in design and navigation please

francois andrieu 09 Jan 2025, 01:43

also of course , when you have replaced the faceted search module in the good administration part design and navigation,
test if in the desktop version of the website that you have the filters in the categories.
after i will test to downgrade the version to have the amp again

Fred 09 Jan 2025, 21:11

I don't understand the problem. As I can see the module looks fine in your front page https://mega.nz/file/9A5GGZYR#XmfHCttPeSyhfVC23c6qebZstL4YAHSFg19fZBjC9k8

But in the filter configuration I noticed that subcategories are not selected and I think then should be selected https://mega.nz/file/oYQyhKqT#nX7R4WAxI8vqibOGzw-MyVyUT8KbLSatXedbNHjTkXc

francois andrieu 09 Jan 2025, 22:02

yes because each subcategory have different filters,
i try to explain more
normally , when in the administration then modules, the faceted search was in the part design and navigation , now this faceted search is in the part of theme module, before when the faceted search was in the design navigation no problem , to load the older version in faceted search , the system find all the configuration, because i must deinstall the module 4.0 to load the module 3.1.16, now if i do that after the system don't find the configuration of the filters, and i want to have the version 3.1.16 of faceted search that it is good with amp
and i ask you to replace this version 4 in the part of design and navigation to try to load the version 3.1.16 like before
actually the faceted search is in the part of theme module in the administration
can you place it into design and navigation please

Fred 09 Jan 2025, 22:38

But our support do not cover third party or native modules management. And that module is not a part of the theme.

francois andrieu 09 Jan 2025, 23:55

and why now this module faceted search is in this theme module
before it was in design and navigation
i think that in trying to solve , you or another person of your team has put the module in this part, before it was in design and navigation , we have not put this module in your part of theme

francois andrieu 10 Jan 2025, 00:03

i see in your part there is this attached file


francois andrieu 10 Jan 2025, 00:22

IT IS IN /web/themes/alysum/modules/ps_facetedsearch

Fred 10 Jan 2025, 00:31

Yes, I know, but that's only modified module view, that doesn't mean it's a part of the theme

francois andrieu 10 Jan 2025, 00:36

BUT WHY I DON T SEE THE MODULE in design and navigation

we have another website with your theme and the module is the design and navigation and it works

when you look the administration the module don't exist actually we have no faceted search in design and navigation only just in your theme

francois andrieu 10 Jan 2025, 00:38

before it was in design and navigation
is it possible that we see the module in design and navigation like before ?

Fred 10 Jan 2025, 00:39

What is "design and navigation"?
I see it on the category page, and it looks fine https://mega.nz/file/9A5GGZYR#XmfHCttPeSyhfVC23c6qebZstL4YAHSFg19fZBjC9k8

francois andrieu 10 Jan 2025, 00:48

yes , but if i want to downgrade the version i need that the module is in the design version to uninstall and reinstall actually if i uninstall in your theme, and i reinstall the new version the system is after in design and navigation without the models filters, and i want to keep the models filters, and if i reinstall after the module is like a new version without filters, because i i have desinstall in your theme.
when you go to administration the modules you have all the modules some in design and navigation and others in other parts like theme modules for example
i need to have the faceted search i design and navigation to do the downgrade to have after the models of filters
is it clear for you now? or not ?

francois andrieu 10 Jan 2025, 00:51

on administration , modules and then different parts where are the modules and under design and navigation normally you have the faceted search , but actually is in theme modules , not in design and navigation

francois andrieu 10 Jan 2025, 00:57

see the attached file please


francois andrieu 10 Jan 2025, 01:03

yes it is in themes modules
i need it in design and navigation


Fred 10 Jan 2025, 01:04

There is no any difference

francois andrieu 10 Jan 2025, 01:05

the normal place of this prestashop module faceted search is in design and navigation

Fred 10 Jan 2025, 01:05

That's just to let you easily find out the module you are looking for

Fred 10 Jan 2025, 01:12

It seems module developers changed its position. Here is recently installed prestashop with no Alysum theme and as you can see the module is in the Themes Section https://mega.nz/file/IF4DwAAJ#CYptAyzikuaFVbxSny6vFAs8eF_XxVmjqlu8VYth5js

That's not a problem at all and the theme can't manage that position.

francois andrieu 10 Jan 2025, 01:17

yes but with this i can't downgrade and after have my filters
it is terrible

francois andrieu 10 Jan 2025, 01:21

yes but with this i can't downgrade and after have my filters
it is terrible have you a solution to have the mobile website now when you see that

francois andrieu 10 Jan 2025, 01:22

because i think you will have this problem with this new version

francois andrieu 10 Jan 2025, 01:25

no problem for the desktop version but for amp how to solve the problem , have you an idea ?

francois andrieu 11 Jan 2025, 20:11

hello fred
to solve this integration of this new faceted search , is it possible, is it a problem between faceted search and google amp or
perhaps a problem between your widget to display the categories and the faceted search

perhaps i have the possibility to change the google amp configurtation of this first page to be compatible
let me know please

Fred 11 Jan 2025, 21:49

Yes, the problem is with AMP module. It's not compatible with the latest Faceted Search module.
We still have not found a fix. I'll let you know once the solution will be ready