• Closed by: Marek
  • Closed on: 02.07.14, 10:01
  • Reason: Fixed
  • Comment: Glad to help!

Ticket #5356 - Phone numbers displayed twice


When store information is displayed after a search in the Our Store page, the phone numbers are displayed twice.

The default template didn’t have this issue so it’s likely a bug with the template. I tried to make the adjustments myself but couldn’t find the file to edit.

Prestashop and Alysum 2.9



Kate Support 01 Jul 2014, 12:10

thank you for your notice. But on your site I don’t see the issue now. Both phone numbers were removed http://clip2net.com/s/iqukNu
Do you still need help with this issue?

Toshiaki M. 01 Jul 2014, 12:34


Sorry, that was a screenshot from my localhost. The online test site didn’t have any phone numbers associated with the stores so the bug wasn’t present. If you visit the site now, you will see the bug.


Alex 01 Jul 2014, 17:04

Hello. Fixed

Toshiaki M. 01 Jul 2014, 21:35


Thanks for the fix. Can you pass along the changed files or let me know which were changed?


Alex 01 Jul 2014, 22:53

in the file \themes\alysum_2.0\js\stores.js
changed the code to this


$(’#stores-table tr:last’).after(’<tr class=”node”><td class=”num”>’+parseInt(i + 1)+’</td><td><b>’+name+’</b>’+(has_store_picture === 1 ? ‘<br /><img src=”‘+img_store_dir+parseInt(id_store)+’-medium.jpg” alt=”” />’ : ‘‘)+’</td><td>’+address+’</td><td class=”distance”>’+distance+’ ‘+distance_unit+’</td></tr>’);



Toshiaki M. 02 Jul 2014, 06:21


This issue is fixed. Thanks for the help.